Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Does anyone have any ideas for figure skating songs?

My friend and i are doing a figure skating pairs routine together and we are having trouble finding a song. We want a song that is upbeat and fun. We want to dress up really funky so we need a song that will go with that. It doesn't matter whether the song is new or old we just want something we both like.

If you can help we would love that. Thanks.|||Assuming you're both girls you should do Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. That would present a lot of costume opportunities and would be really fun. Good luck!|||Well, it is really up to you! You mentioned that you want to dress up funky so I thought of some ideas that you may be able to use and dress up funky and have fun with!

Here are some ideas I thought of:

-Music from The Sound of Music soundtrack

-DISNEY MUSIC (like Pocahontas, the princesses... I would have fun dressing up to that! Ooohh!! You could do a song from Alladin and wear )

-Swan Lake... idk I know lots of people use it but that could be one

-A song from Fiddler on the Roof... idk it just sounds like fun... you could skate to "If I Were a Rich Man" or something

-Beethoven... I know it's not sooo upbeat but it could be fun

-Music from Phantom of the Opera

-Music from Star Wars... idk maybe

-Music from Harry Potter..again, idk maybe

-An American in Paris by George Gershwin (I know it's a little overused, but pretty... idk about dressing up funky to it though)

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