You can skate recreationally, and for fun but don't be expecting to be the next Sasha Cohen. Competitive figure skaters have been skating since they learned to walk. Oh, and gymnastics helps your flexability and will help lots for figure skating, like ballet. Does anyone in your town skate? if so, you may be able to carpool with them when they go to skate. another idea is (if it gets below freezing where you live) can get a roll out ice skating rink. You'll have the ice all to yourself, but only in the Winter.
Believe me, if you are meant to be a figure skater, then everything will fall into place.
Also, ask the rink if they offer a Spring show. You don't have to worry about judges, just having fun and showing your talent.
Hope this helps.|||the "best answer" is wrong! im a competive figure skater and i started when i was 10. its never too late to compete in figure skating and its never too late to learn to skate
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|||This is a bit late of a answer, but ya it's too late to actually start figure skating, I started when I was 4 and now it's been 10 years and I'm just landing axles, you can do it recreation ally but your muscles will start to get weaker and more strained, you'll get less flexible, there really isn't
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|||This is a bit late of a answer, but ya it's too late to actually start figure skating, I started when I was 4 and now it's been 10 years and I'm just landing axles, you can do it recreation ally but your muscles will start to get weaker and more strained, you'll get less flexible, there really isn't
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|||a point because it is very expensive.
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|||well i cant really help you with finding a "club" (thats what we call skating schools). also dont be discouraged beginning skating at age 17, most people start skating at a young age, but there are plenty of people who begin later. and gynmastics will definitely do nothing to harm your skating... figure skating is basically gymnastics meets dance on ice... so good luck and i hope you give it a try!|||If you plan on doing it for fun, great. Skating is great fun. But, at 17 don't expect to compete successfully.|||I ice skated only once and it was fun. you could go to a public figure skateing place with someone and have them teach you.|||17 is a fine age to start. You are never too old to skate! You're right: gymnastics isn't going to help you a lot. But it will help you a little. I took gymnastics util I was five, and then I took up skating instead. Gymnastics helped me a lot with my flexibility, which is a big part of skating. But some technics used in gymnastics are not going to help you get better, and may even make skating harder for you, so be aware of this. When you are first starting to skate, you don't need to go to your rink all the time. But if you decide you want to get serious about skating, then you might consider taking long trips to the city your rink is in, or waking up extra early on certain days to get there.|||Yes you can start skating at 17 because there are people on the ice in there 60s. Gymnastics is going to help very much. Ever heard or Sasha Cohen, she did gymnastics before she came a skater,that is how she is very flexible,and you need to be flexible. Good luck!
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