Many rinks also offer summer day camps. In addition to skating lessons and practice time, the camps include off-ice exercises and dance sessions, which you'd probably be great at doing! Plus, they watch videos to learn more about "How do they do that?" Some even videotape the campers and review their progress throughout the week!
If you like the idea, try it! Group lessons aren't that expensive. Just make sure you pick out decent skates, so you'll have more fun. Weak/crummy skates hurt and are hard to use.|||Dancers are usually naturally good figure skaters! Definitely check out - they are coaches from The Mariposa School of Skating (where Jeff Buttle trains!) - and you can download videos that are skating lessons on certain spins, jumps, field moves, footwork, literally everything!
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|||Go you your local ice skating rink and ask them about group lessons. Most rinks (in the USA) have the Marshall's Learn to Skate Program which you skate two times a week for 3 weeks in 25-30 minute sessions. They are group lessons so they cost a lot less than private lessons, and you can see if you like skating, and learn the basics and have fun while doing it. You can find a rink/skating club near you if you search at (in the USA) under find a rink and figure skating club so you can begin skating.|||I LOVE watching skating!! It's fantastic because it combines amazing athleticism and dance. Look in your phone book for a skating club or rink and give them a ring. They all have basic skating lessons. Have fun!|||Yea i love figure skating. It is sooooo much fun. You could try your local rink and see if they have courses. I am not wonderful but i'm getting better cause I am a member of a club and am on a course. They both really help. I hope this helps.
Hannah|||I love watching, teaching, and doing ice skating. I am 15, and I have been skating for 6 years. I taught myself and I bet that you could teach yourself too. I f you want lessons, then find a rink near you and sign up. Bring a friend if you want, because it is no fun by yourself. I bet that you will love it.
ps-bring gloves!!
I hope that you have fun!!!!!!|||I love dancing too . . . but I found I loved dancing on ice even more . . . skating is the BEST thing I ever took up!! I loved competing . . . I loved performing out there . . . and where would I ever get to "dance" on ice in front of an audience like that all by myself . . . it's an awesome feeling!
Most rinks have beginning group classes (I would start there . . . it's cheaper, you'll meet others in the same boat, and you'll see if this is something you want to get into). Go visit your nearest rink to see (and feel!) what it's all about. Someone in the office can help you or there's usually a wall with flyers of what the rink has to offer.
You Tube is great . . . not just for skating! If I look for skating on You Tube, it's mostly to watch technique (as someone else mentioned). You can find almost anything on You Tube!
Good luck with your new interest . . . just your friends wait - they may soon find you skating on YouTube!! :)|||I am a figure skater and i watch videos on Youtube to pick up tips for my skating. Its completely normal! Figure skating is an amazing, complex sport that combines athleticism, artistry, grace, speed, elegance, dedication and commitment. Please do try it, you will find that setting induvidual goals for yourself and accomplishing things (landing a new jump/nailing a new move or spin is an awesome feeling!) will be very rewarding. You have to start with the basics though (stopping, learning to fall, forward glides, backward glides ect.) and soon you will get there. They usually give classes at most rinks (pretty much every rink) starting with basic 1-8 or alpha to gamma and then freeskate 1-8 then freestyle levels ISU or pre-preliminary levels to senior level USFSA. It seems overwhelming at first, but with the proper amount of time, practice, good coaching ect., you are bound to go far! Best of luck! Reach for the stars!
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