Saturday, November 19, 2011

What level did you start wearing figure skating apparel to lessons?

I'm talking about apparel such as skirts, dresses, tights, and pants(figure skating pants). Do you dress up when you go to public sessions too? Thanks!|||Figure skating pants can be worn at any level, I use tight yoga pants only because they are cheaper. You can wear tights under your pants, some people do it so they can avoid panty lines. I am in freestyle and I don't wear dresses but I wouldn't spend my money on one unless I was in freestyle. For public sessions I would just wear yoga pants because there are a lot of people, the ice is bad, and you wouldn't want to ruin a good pair of skating pants or tights. Also I wouldn't wear over-the-boot tights to anything except a competition or ice show, they are expensive and can get damaged easily. A pair of lycra or neoprene boot covers are a nice alternative. But ultimately, it is what you feel comfortable in and if you want to wear skirts, dresses, tights, or skating pants, I say go for it.|||Well, I've been skating since 7 and have been wearing figure skating apparel for many years now. For a long time, I just wore the dresses, skirts, etc. but now, since I'm older, I wear the figure skating pants and jacket. Under the jacket I wear a black bodysuit with a T-shirt over it. Under the pants, I wear 1 pear of skintone tights. This keeps me warm throughout the entire session, even throughout this freezing winter were having =)

To the public sessions, since I'm not actually practicing, I don't find a need to wear figure skating apparel, so I just wear some street clothes (jeans, hoodys, etc.)

Hope this helps =D|||i hired skates until i reached badge five and then bought my own. after my first show at badge seven, i started wearing my show dress to practise. i now (silver) have two dresses and multiple tracksuits that i wear to practise depending on how i feel

when i skate at public sessions it is straight after my private lessons and don't get changed lol :)|||around basic 7-8 i think.

i cant remember though.

at my rink there is a dress code for freestyles and learn to skate classes.

black skirt or pants.

black shirt

and black jackets.

and i dont really "dress up" when if i skate during public sessions.

i just wear my black seku pants with my club jacket

[:|||I dressed up for my public sessions at Level 1. They are designed for ice skating, even if you're not doing crazy tricks. Go for it, plus its fun!

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