Saturday, November 19, 2011

How is figure skating and curling in the olympics?

Figure skating is not a sport nor a game. And curling is just shuffleboard on ice.|||Figure skating is as much a sport as any other (by the way, the original definition of "sport" is what we now call "hunting"). Curling, of course, is a joke.|||i agree with the curling i don't get it, but ice skating is a sport it is very very hard to learn|||Sorry, curling is a game.

Figure skating is still a competitive event.

It's all a matter of perspective. How is auto racing, horse racing, or fencing a sport?|||Curling is a game of skill and strategy. Just because it's slow and strategic doesn't mean it's not a sport. And why do people keep calling it shuffleboard on ice? It's nothing like shuffleboard. If anything, it's like bocce or lawn bowling.

Figure skating takes an amazing amount of athleticism. I can't think of any reason not to call it a sport.

What does it matter, anyway? if you don't like them, don't watch them.|||have you tried getting out on ice and jumping while twirling in the air? Probably not... believe me it's hard... but with curling... I could not agree more... it is sooo boring. And yes I think skating can be boring too but it;s still a sport.|||They are both in the Olympics because the origins of the winter olympics had figure skating and curling. Now, Figure Skating is not a sport because it is judged and curling is a recreational activity not a sport. Figure Skating could also qualify as a recreational activity but I just call it crap. I my books not everything in the olympics is a sport including the summer olympics. That is why they call them the Olympic games because that is what half of them are they are games.|||Figure skating is not a sport, nor a game. Curling is a sport - it's not judged (I don't count sports like Ski Jumping as judged b/c face it, you could just say how far they go and whether or not they land as their distance being counted). Curling is a great sport of strategy and finesse.

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