Friday, December 2, 2011

How to choreograph a figure skating routine?

I am on a very tight budget for figure skating and instead of paying someone to choreograph for me I would like to save the money and do it my self but i also want to do good in a competition... I've never done one before so I need to know how to choreograph one|||getting a choreographer is a lot of money. what i do is, me and my coach come up with a routine ourselves, just like where the jumps and spins are going to be. and then i do the transitions myself. after that i get a choreographer to do maybe a one or two hour session or something like that.

when i start to put my routine together, i listen to my music and try to imaging someone else skating to that piece of music. i kinda pretend that im watching an exhibition it that makes sense. i make sure i write everything down and just put something together. i would walk it out and do all sorts of crazy thing. whatever works for you!!!

hope this helped:)|||its kind of hard to 'explain' how to choreograph a routine. I choreographed a routine for my self to Narnia, and i came 2nd place. What I did was i looked that the compulsory elements, chose my music, and just thought about it in my head. I suggest watching a lot of other figure skating routines on youtube- its full of the stuff. just make sure u don't do elements that might be too advanced for the program, and practice alot. good luck!|||I choreographed all 3 of my own routines and I agree with the first answer...take all your elements and the time allowed for the routine, throw in those connecting moves, a dramatic finish, and be sure to do a 'serpentine' pattern to cover the whole surface of the ice (I got points deducted for that).

Have fun with it, make it unique and go for it!|||Well first you need to know what your elements are. Once you have those, use just a regular peice of paper and kinda play around with it... Then get on the ice and play around on your blades, add a few arms and your good(: depending on your level, chawktaws (or however u spell it) are really cool. And so are twizzles(:

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